Quite separate from the aesthetic value of an Oriental carpet is its investment value.
And today, more than ever, such items have come into their own as buffers against
economic downturns. Whatever your motivation for owning these works of art, it is
important, for practical reasons, to know for certain their composition and value.
And to have this stated "in black and white" so to speak. It is also advisable to
keep photographs of your carpets.
This document which your dealer can supply, bears a detailed description of the
type, origin, size, design, warp, weft and pile materials, know count, age, condition
, weaving time and date of purchase. Its most as effective as an actual photograph,
and it is useful document to have as proof of a carpet's identity.
The situation varies from country to country, but generally speaking, there are
two ways to have your carpet or carpets valued. The first is to have a professional
licensed valuer do the job for a pre-arranged fee which is either a flat fee or
percentage of the valuation figure given. This person is usually to be found in a
firm of auctioneers that specialises in the sale of such carpets, or in the antique
trade. The professional valuer is increasingly found to be the carpet dealer as well.
And if this is the case, he may, if you purchase the carpet from him, provide the
documented valuation as part of his service, at no extra cost.
This document, because it is meant to be used for formal purposes, must be written on the
valuer's official letterhead. It should be dated, with the ownership and location of the
carpets stated as well. Each carpet should be described individually, with enough detail to
establish its identity. You should be given one copy, the valuer should keep one, and your
insurance company should be given a third copy.
It is essential that this certificate comes with photographs of each carpet described,
especially if they are of significant value. It is immaterial whether this
photograph is taken by a professional or amateur photographer, as long as it clearly
shows the whole carpet, and any distinctive features on it. Such visual evidence is
particularly appreciated in cases of theft when efforts are being made to trace
stolen goods. And as an added precaution, consider keeping a copy of certificate and
the photograph/photographs in a place other than where the carpets are located, such
as in a bank safe deposit box.
Just like your other possessions, you need to insure your hand-knotted carpet against
loss or damage by theft, fire or other risk. Because such carpets generally appreciate in
value, it would be extremely painful if they had not been insured before an unexpected
calamity occurred. Insurance companies differ in the way in which their policies cover such
items, but most include them in the general category of household effects, which includes
other possessions. Each of these items is listed, with an accompanying value. And in the
case of the Oriental carpet, and especially an antique one, the insurance company would
require proof of its value. This could either be in the form of the valuation certificate,
or more commonly, in the form of the receipt from sales. Since companies differ about which
document accept, you should discuss this with your insurer at the onset. Failure to establish
this could lead to misunderstanding later on. For instance, your receipt price remains the
same because it simply indicates the amount you paid for it. But the valuer's figure may
change five years after you bought it because the carpet has appreciated in value.
A professional valuation is required when the owner of an Oriental carpet passes on, and
leaves it to his beneficiary. This is because capital taxes are based on the value of the